For instance, when you're using the iTunes app, it will store songs and other related data in the cache, like the album's cover and a collection of popular songs. These cache files are kept in the Application Cache folder. When you run applications, they initiate collecting files, which we call cache files, and for reuse later. Basically, these are temporary files necessary for the apps’ operations on a Mac. There are several kinds or cache data: User Caches, System Caches and Web Caches. In this post, you’ll find out what is cache, how to delete cache on a Mac and what is the best application among five cache cleaners for Mac. This clutter contains caches, logs, mail attachments and other junk files that take up space on a Mac. Over time, users store tons of junk files on their Macs, and regular cache cleaning is in order. This it is a result of daily using a Mac. If you are a Mac user, sooner or later you may face the problem that your Mac storage is almost full.